Monday, May 24, 2010

Swan Lake

As you know, Jillian has been taking ballet class. Toward the end of the...term? season? I don't know what to call it, but toward the end they have a recital. This year they performed Swan Lake. Jillian and her class performed as unicorns.

Here they are at the dress recital. Jillian is the one sitting on Miss Kristina's lap.

Here Jillian is getting all ready for the big day!

Now Jillian is the very youngest in the class and the miniest in her class. So no one was expecting her to do much. Let's just say she met their expectations...

Jillian is the one in the middle

...with her hands down

sorry for the blurriness. I was far away with a baby, okay?! Jillian did however participate in the circle part where they all held hands and circled around.

By the end of the day she was so happy. I think she looked adorable and she really had a great time. She was disappointed she couldn't see us in the audience, but I explained that we could see her the whole time! She was the cutest little unicorn!
The professional pictures to come later...

It is really sad that Jillian's ballet class is over. She really went to an awesome ballet studio and I am so thankful for them. Everyone that worked there was wonderful with kids and so nice. Her ballet teacher, Miss Kristina, was the cutest. She was SO patient and really loved all the girls. I am sad we will not be able to return there next year. I only hope we will be able to find a studio half as great in SoCal. Thanks  Creative Arts Academy and Miss Kristina for making my daughter's experience one to remember!

Friday, May 21, 2010