Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Carillo Ranch

Our friend and neighbor Jaime has been getting into photography and took some family pictures for us. Jaime chose Carrillo Ranch in Carlsbad for the location. Having lived in Carlsbad for almost 20 years you would think I would have heard about this awesome place, nope. I guess a famous actor/ cowboy used to live there, Leo Carrillo. It was awesome! Super old and fun. They also had peacocks everywhere. Being spring and all it is mating season for those frisky birds and the males were working hard for the ladies. Shake your tail feather! Let me tell you, I picked up a few new dance moves!

As you can tell we had lots of fun! Jaime did a picture perfect job. Thank you so much Jaime, we couldn't have asked for better photo shoot! And these were only a FEW of our favorites.
Note: Did you notice Jillian's adorable headband? I made it!

Mother's Day

Of all the rights of women, the greatest is to be a mother.

- Lin Yutang

It was a joy to spend Mother's Day with my mother and mother-in-law. Kyle and I am so grateful to have them so close. Kyle was da man and made us all pizza! Thanks babe! He also surprised me with this...

What a guy!

Cinco de Swine Flu!

I decided last minute this year to have a little cinco de mayo partay. I love any excuse to have fun, not to mention an excuse to dress up like a mexican! We invited friends and held it at our apartment complex. Thanks everyone for coming, dressing up, and getting their mexican swine flu on!

And the winner is...

Check out this action shot!