Friday, January 29, 2010


So this little guy is due in a couple of days and I can't help but worry that the time will come and go. With no baby that is. For some reason I don't think he is in any rush. That's fine by me, but I don't think the Doc has the same philosophy. You see, he has only had 2 babies go over their due dates in his career, none of which were by choice of the Doc or mommas. I might be his only patient that has said, nah... let him come on his own time. I can't help but feel some pressure to get him out. I think if I go over 1 week the Doc will want to induce. I REALLY don't want that. Let's hope this little man will come on his own, preferably this weekend so he can meet his Uncle Matt :)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


This is long overdue! It is about time I stop and write down a few things about my pregnancy before it is all over...

I will NOT miss all of the people who ask me when I am due. The women look at me like I am crazy or something is wrong while the men continue by telling me how huge their wives get. Poor wives, I think. If they only knew their husbands were telling me how fat their butts get. And they have to show me by moving their arms in a circular motion around their butt and upper legs, as if to say THIS big. Hmmmm, yeah I won't miss that. I won't miss waking up to acid reflex and bruised ribs. I will not miss having to wear boy clothes. Nor will I miss not being able to snowboard, ice skate, travel, etc.

I WILL miss my hubby telling me how beautiful I look and how much he loves my belly. I will miss the belly rubs he gives me which makes the baby move around like crazy trying to find his touch. I will miss the feet, knees, and elbows that poke my stomach out. I will miss my stomach moving and morphing into all different wierd shapes, and coning when I lye up or down. I will miss Jillian's giggles when she sees or feels any of this. I will miss her waking up in the morning and asking if the baby is here while peeking into the bassinet. I will miss all of the ultrasounds where we get to have sneak peaks at the little guy and take home his first photographs. I will miss listening to his heartbeat, but also the silence I still hear while he is on the inside. Most of all I will miss my big belly with him in it.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Chocolate Malted Crunch

I was under the impression that there were no Rite Aids in Utah. Apparently I was so very wrong. After just reading a friend's blog and reading that she recently ate chocolate malted crunch ice cream, I started majorly complaining to Kyle.

Kyle: Oh I just saw one the other day.
Me: What?!
Kyle: Yeah
Me: Why didn't you tell me!!!
Kyle: I just saw it!

So anyways, I am a seriously hormonal prego. Which means I am on the verge of tears because one of my favorite indulgences I thought I couldn't have, I could have had.
The. whole. time.

As my eyes are filling up Kyle is laughing at me and making a pouty face with his lips. I've decided he's having the next baby. And I will not allow him to have his favorite ice cream and I will laugh at him when he can't eat sushi. I will also laugh when he can't surf, snowboard, or do anything of physical enjoyment.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Grandpa Manny

Wednesday night in bed Kyle received a call from Brian letting him know that his Grandpa had just passed away. Kyle flew to New York the next morning to be with family and attend the funeral services. I am sorry I cannot be there as well. It is hard to be away from Kyle when I know he is grieving and not be able to pay my respects. Grandpa Manny was a great guy. 

I'll do another post when Kyle gets back.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Farmington Pond

There is a path by our house which leads to Farmington pond. We decided to venture off and take the dogs for a walk. The last time I went on it it was fall and all the leaves were orange and falling. It is just as breathtaking with snow. When we reached the pond it was completely frozen over. Some boys were playing hockey while others ice fished. I had never seen either done on a pond. It was cool! We let the dogs free. They chased the geese of course. I always thought the geese and ducks migrated, apparently not. Still trying to figure that one out. We had a great time and my Mom wanted to keep going back.









The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Christmas this year felt a little last minute. Not having a car made it a little more difficult to get everything ready, plus it always felt like things kept coming up and we weren't able to get to our Christmas to do list. It was noce to have my Mom come up and help. We didn't get any decorations up until Christmas Eve!
My Mom and I found an awesome tree for $10 and decorated it that night. She also decked out our place with decorations She threw together from the plants outside and random things. She is so creative and made it all look very nice and festive. Oh and the beautiful tulips where sent to me on my birthday from Kyle's mom. I thought that was so nice, and they really are spectacular.  Kyle put up the Christmas lights outside, which actually we would have done sooner but no one informed us how soon you have to do it here. We were wondering why everyone was putting up their lights on Thanksgiving. So soon? we thought. Then it hit us, duh. You can't really put up Christmas light with ice out everywhere, you have to do it BEFORE it gets too cold! We are learning a lot here...



It was so exciting to see that Santa had come! Jillian must have been really good this year because he totally hooked her up.




When Jillian finally woke up, we heard her walking around looking for something. We anxiously waited to hear her scream, or giggle, or show some amount of surprise and excitement. Nope. She didn't really get it this year. We finally decided to run out and greet her to see what was going on. She was just looking for something. We tried to explain that Santa had come, but it didn't seem to click until she went and woke up Aunt Aly and Uncle Matt. They came into the living room and Jillian looked at her kitchen and painter's eisle and said with a twist of her lip "I think this is for me..." She was also a little confused about Santa's note on the chalkboard. She thought the picture of Santa was a... spider...
Yeah, I don't know...


She eventually got it and was so excited to open all of her presents. After we were done at our place we headed over to my Dad and Karey's where her family was and my Aunt Lindsay. It was definitely a day filled with fun, family, and food!
I am so grateful we have this time of year to celebrate the birth of our Savior with those we love. It is sometimes hard to remember to keep our thoughts on Christ with all the presents, 'cause come on the presents are awesome! But I feel blessed to be able to celebrate Christ with those who mean the most to me. To be able to give things I hope will put a smile on loved one's faces. Until next year. Merry Christmas!

P.S. This was our first white Christmas and we loved it. Everything was so much more magical with the snow. We really felt like we could relate to all of the songs too. I know, we are nerds...

My Birthday!

This year for my birthday I was lucky to have my Mom, Matt, and Aly around. We all went out to dinner to this awesome Mexican place around the corner from our house. It had been snowing all day and was beautiful outside, so we decided to walk. After dinner we walked back to our place and had a super yummy ice cream cake Alyson picked up and did presents. Jillian gets excited for anyone's birthday! She helped me blow out the candles and ate more cake than anyone else! Happy birthday to me! Thanks everyone!



P.S. Kyle got me a super sweet car for my birthday/Christmas! Way exciting. Thanks babe!