Sunday, March 28, 2010


We made a long overdue weekend trip down to San Diego. It was so much fun. My friend Jenn had a little get together for us at her home, she is so great. We spent pretty much the rest of the time at the beach. The weather was perfect. I was definitely on a sun high! It felt so good to introduce Manny to friends and family. Both of the kids were so great on the trip. When at the beach, Manny would sleep in his carseat most of the time. Poor Jillian had a cut on her nose from sliding face first on the concrete right before heading down. She didn't let it spoil her fun.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

just for fun

here are our names too!

Merrily - The girl's name Merrily \m(e)-rri-ly\ is a variant of Merry (Old English), and the meaning of Merrily is "joyful, lighthearted".

Jillian - The girl's name Jillian \j(il)-lian\ is pronounced JIL-ee-an. Variant of Gillian, from Julian; diminutive of Juliana (Latin) "youthful". 

Kyle - The boy's name Kyle \k(y)-le\, also used as girl's name Kyle, is pronounced kyl. It is of Gaelic origin, and its meaning is "narrow, straight". Place name that refers either to a narrow body of water between two land masses, or to a peninsula or isthmus.

Name Game

I guess I never explained the newest addition's name...
Well, here we go!

He is a family guy.

MANNY - After Kyle's grandpa on his mother's side. His first name was Emmanuel, but everybody called him Manny. I liked Emmanuel, but Kyle wanted to go with the shortened version. Here's what Emmanuel means:
The boy's name Emmanuel \e-mma-nuel\ is pronounced ee-MAN-yoo-el. It is of Hebrew origin, and its meaning is "God is with us". Variant of the Hebrew name Immanuel. Biblical: a name-title applied to the Messiah, Jesus.

SOLOMON - This is actually Kyle's original last name. His grandpa on his father's side changed it during WWII. I thought this was super cool. And Solomon means:
The boy's name Solomon \s(o)-lo-mon\ is pronounced SAH-lah-mun. It is of Hebrew origin, and its meaning is "peace". Biblical: Solomon, son of David and Bathsheba, succeede his father as king of Israel. He wrote the Book of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Solomon. The wisdom of Solomon is proverbial because when asked what gift he would have from God, he asked only for the wisdom he would need to rule.

So there you have, he's a family guy.

And by the way, the next one will get some of my family names...


I love having a little boy. Okay, so he is still a baby... but I love it! He is my Little Man. He gets so much bigger everyday. It took Jillian so long to fit into the next stage of clothing. Well 3 months to be exact. As soon as she was three months she was in 3 month clothing, six months it was six month clothing... You get the picture. Well this little guy is already in his 3 month clothing! I don't know why, but I pictured him being just like Jillian. Nope. At his two week he was already a pound over his birth weight. Good Boy! Our doctor is kinda funny. He responded to this by saying to me, "You got cream!"
He also tried to reassure us about the circumcision by "bragging" a little. He said, "I don't mean to brag, but I have done around 500 of these things and I am quite good. The nurses all think so, too. Mothers will be changing their baby boys, and another mother will say:
Oh that's a good one! Who did that?
And then I have a new patient! And I later do their next boy!"
Yeah, he's really funny. He may sound creepy, but he definitely isn't. Just funny. So he assured us our little guy would "look good". "I don't want him to find me later and punch me out!"

Back to my baby, I love him! I thought going from one kid to two kids would be hard to handle. Again, Nope. I love having two. The more the merrier! Don't worry, I promise I won't have 10 kids. Manny is so good. He is a great sleeper at night and pretty mellow during the day. He does have his fussy moments. Like every evening of
And the boy can poop! In the hospital he pooped about 10 times a day! He still poops a lot! He toots and burps super loud too. It is hilarious! Jillian calls him the pooper and me the pooper scooper.

Manny loves baths and has started smiling tons along with the cooing. The conversations we have are very entertaining. Jillian loves hugging, holding, and playing with him. I am surprised at how good she is with him. I thought there would be tons of jealousy. Not yet, it might come later...
He loves her right back. Just stares and smiles. He also loves his Daddy. Kyle came home one day and Manny was content in his swing, until Kyle spoke. As soon as Manny heard his voice he started crying until KYLE picked him up. I did not do the trick. We love our little guy Our little Manny!


To my surprise this is what I saw while making eggs the other day...
What does it mean...?
I am glad I wasn't pregnant when this happened or else I would have thought I was going to have twins!

Oh, and yes they were organic.


On the big heart day we took it easy and enjoyed spending the day together as a family. We started the morning off by having some yummy heart shaped pancakes!

Then went for a little stroll by a stream...

We finished with heart pajamas and lollipops!

Let's not forget about Aunt Aly bringing us some heart day and olympic day cookies! Yum!

It was great to spend the day with loved ones without silly gifts and such. But I guess next year I wouldn't mind the gifts!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

March 21, 2010

On the first day of spring this year my grandmother turned ninety. Oh how I adore her! She is the mother of 4, grandmother of 18, and great grandmother of at least 15 and counting! What a woman. She is a fiery red head (white now!) who knows how to party. Her class is beyond any other. She is the most beautiful ninety year old woman I have ever seen. She loves jewelry and fashion. Everytime I visit she cleans my wedding ring for me. I love her. I am forever grateful to her. Happy birthday Grandma!

A few of the grandkids

A few of the greatgrand kids

They wanted that cake so bad!

Thanks Kyle!

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Jillian has been such a little helper. She is always wanting to contribute with the chores around the house. It often makes a bigger mess, but her helpfulness is so sweet. She has the kindest heart and is continually asking how she can pitch in. I'm sure someday she will offer great service to the community. Now if I could only get her to clean her room...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The weather outside...

As springtime approaches the weather gets a little funky. It is as if it can't decide what it wants.

One day the snow all melts...

Then it rains...

Then it decides to snow...


Wait... is that snow again?

Friday, March 5, 2010


My sister and I took some pictures of Manny at his one month mark. I think she did a great job. Thanks Aly!

Jillian of course had to jump in! Cutie!

Aly tried to get a little artsy with a couple . But it turned out looking like Yuma was sacrificing the poor little guy. Sorry Manny!