Monday, January 26, 2009

Today Jillian had a play date with her new friend, Makeo! It was so much fun. Keanae even joined us part of the time. The kids all ran around outside, played on the skateboards, and pretend talked on the telephone. Heidi had put a ball on a string and tied it to a tree so that the kids could hit it with a bat. The boys would hit it so hard the string would wrap around the branches of the tree leaving it oh so fun for Heidi and me to untangle. Heidi is like 6'1 so it was more of a challenge for me...

Note to self: Makeo does NOT like sandwiches. Go for things with noodles and rice!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Dinner and a Movie

Kyle is currently taking a film class, which means we get to watch movies for homework! Kyle asked if I would like to turn it into a date night, eat Chinese food and watch the movie with him. We had so much fun! I put Jillian to bed before he came home and had everything all set out. We watched Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark. I had never seen an Indiana Jones movie so I was very excited. We had a wonderful time! To top it all off my fortune cookie read :

We couldn't forget about the homework part!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Dinner with the Roberts

We were so very lucky to have family and friends come into town this holiday season! Brian came and finally brought his girlfriend, Laura. Mr. and Mrs. Smith came down from Utah, hurray! We all got together at Kyle's Mom's home to celebrate a late Christmanakkah and watch the Charger game!

Brian enjoying his new cameraJillian insisted on playing hide and seek all night!

Diane taught Tessa and I how to make the potato lakas...

Potato Lakas!

Brian and Laura made a delicious Chicken Cacciatore, did I spell that right? Or as we used to write back in my days as a waitress "CK CACC"

We had a great time and the food was soooo good! Too bad we all can't get together more often :(
However, we are very excited about Collin and Tessa moving down! Now we just need to talk Brian and Laura into it!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

dAnCe PaRtY !

Jillian and Aunt Aly have way too much fun together! Alyson made this video on her Mac. Someday we will get a cool Mac so that we can make cute videos of Jillian, too. In the meantime, we are loving the fact that Aunt Aly does it for us! Thanks Alyson! Keep up the good work :)

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy Birthday to Mommy!
Yay! So I just had a memorable birthday. Diane made a yummy meal and picked up the best carrot cake! Now, I don't like carrot cake, but this was good! She said she couldn't remember whether my favorite was cheesecake or carrot cake, so she took a guess and ordered carrot. Not liking carrot, I was just stoked she even went to the trouble. Then when we tried it, we all confessed that we were not fans of carrot, but were now! Afterwards Kyle took me to see The Nutcracker. He is so awesome!
And in Church the Sunday before, they asked whose birthday was going to be that week (refering to Jesus), and Jillian said, "Mommy's!"
That's my girl!

This is me enjoying the yumminess!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Looking Back on 08!

We had a blast hanging out in the sun on Oahu. We stayed in Waikiki and on the North Shore. It was very exciting being there with such a large group. We had Aunt Lin, Papa Surf, my sibs (minus the Kirk and Alix), and all of Karey's kids! Hawaii has definitely become my home away from home over the years.


This fall we participated in Race for the Cure with Kyle's amazing Mom, Diane, who survived breast cancer this last year! Diane was going to run it (did I mention she just survived breast cancer?), but it was so packed! What an uplifting experience being with people all supporting the same cause.

Halloween was too much fun! We almost didn't go trick-or-treating because silly Mommy thought it might be too scary. It was really great and everyone had costumes that were age appropriate. No scary bloody masks thank heavens! What a great neighborhood we live in... or next to ;)

We made our first trip together to the land where dreams come true! Courtesy of Aunt Lin and Aunt Gail, thanks ;)

Make a Wish
Jillian turned 2 on August 21st! That's right folks, we are in the "terrible twos"! God must have made them so very very cute for this age because they can be so very very naughty.

We had an awesome pool party to celebrate!

Love And Marriage
Papa Surf got married the end of June to a beautiful women, Karey! They are very happy and we loved being in Utah at Karey's home to share the experience with them.

Our Safaris!
This year we had a blast going to the San Diego Zoo and Wild Animal Park with friends and family. Jillian is still intimidated by the petting zoo, but loves the flamingos and elephants!