Saturday, April 10, 2010

New Job

Throughout spring Kyle started looking for a new job. This has become quite the hobby for him, but this time we both felt it was necessary considering we would begin paying back student loans in June. So the search began. We decided we really wanted to stay on the west coast, and preferably in Utah so that we didn't have to move too far and could stay by family. Kyle sent his resume to Seattle, Colorado, Utah, San Diego, and the south bay area (where the tech industry is huge). The top three companies that we wanted in the end were Omniture in Orem, Qualcomm in San Diego, or Google in San Jose. Omniture fizzled because they didn't seem to ever get Kyle's resume to the right place... Bummer.

Kyle was interviewing for Qualcomm and Google and fell in love with both. We were so excited. Qualcomm offered him the job before he had finished the interview process with Google. We had to make a decision. Take on Qualcomm, or hold out for Google and their long interview process?

Basically what it came down to was that as much as Kyle loved Google, Qualcomm was just more practical for us at the time. San Jose is so much more expensive, we have no family there, and again, he didn't get offered the job yet. Google is Kyle's dream company. It was difficult to watch him let it go, but I think we made the right choice.

San Diego, we are coming home!
And say hello to

Mr. Kyle Roberts 
Sr. Network Engineer with 

Thursday, April 1, 2010


This year for Easter I felt like there were signs of rebirth all around me. The  flowers were budding, the trees forming leaves. Baby animals all around. After the dark grey winter, we were beginning to see light. What a wonderful time to celebrate the resurrection of Christ. This year I was glad to see the Easter Bunny gave Jillian things that incorporated that. She received gardening supplies. I think it is important to teach children how plants grow from tiny seeds. To me it is amazing. In Farmington the streets are lined with huge old trees. To think that they all started as little seeds is inspiring. I have always loved the relation between faith and a seed. I truly believe that with love and nurturing, our faith with turn into a magnificent lush tree.

I stand all amazed at the love Jesus offers me,
Confused at the grace that so fully he proffers me.
I tremble to know that for me he was crucified,
That for me, a sinner, he suffered, He bled and died.
Oh, it is wonderful that he should care for me
Enough to die for me!
Oh, it is wonderful, wonderful to me!

Charles H. Gabriel