Thursday, February 18, 2010

Labor and Delivery

Thirty9 weeks preggo


We arrived at the hospital around 12 am Thursday only to find out I was only dialated to a 4. I thought I was at least at a 6 because I was in so much more pain than when we got to the hospital to deliver Jillian, and I was at a 7 with her. Isn't the second supposed to be easier? We waited 45 min to see if there would be changes. None. They told me to walk around for 45 more minutes and see if anything would happen or go home. So we walked around. Within those last 45 minutes I got to a 6 and things went pretty fast after that. Thank goodness we did not go home. My sister Alyson came and joined at the hospital and pretty much slept through the whole thing. Which is really good because we didn't want to worry about her going into a seizure or anything!



Although labor was more painful the second time, it was faster. We had to get little Manny out as soon as possible because his heart rate kept dropping and the doctor and nurses were worried. He made it out in about ten minutes!



Kyle kinda forgot how to change diapers and I got a hoot out of watching!


My dad came to visit a few times at the hospital and had "sleepovers" with Jillian. Thanks for all the help!


We had such a great experience at the hospital. Great view, privacy, food, and the people were Oh So Nice :) We even got hugs when we left.


The tired parents on our way out!

Jillian was not able to visit us in the hospital because of the swine flu, but she was excited to see us when we got home. She wasn't quite ready to hold her new brother, but was happy to see him.


  1. CONGRATULATIONS. He is beautiful. We are so so happy for you guys:) Glad to hear mom and baby are both doing well.

  2. these pictures make me so happy... and missing you too!
