Monday, January 26, 2009

Today Jillian had a play date with her new friend, Makeo! It was so much fun. Keanae even joined us part of the time. The kids all ran around outside, played on the skateboards, and pretend talked on the telephone. Heidi had put a ball on a string and tied it to a tree so that the kids could hit it with a bat. The boys would hit it so hard the string would wrap around the branches of the tree leaving it oh so fun for Heidi and me to untangle. Heidi is like 6'1 so it was more of a challenge for me...

Note to self: Makeo does NOT like sandwiches. Go for things with noodles and rice!


  1. How cute is that picture of Jillian! Her hair looks so adorable in that clip. How fun though. I can't wait until Trey has play dates:)

  2. Haha. I fed him prunes because it had been a few days since he, ya know, and I'm totally a peranoid (sp?) mom, so I thought I'd help the process along:) As yucky as it was, I was relieved with the explosion:)
