Saturday, January 24, 2009

Dinner and a Movie

Kyle is currently taking a film class, which means we get to watch movies for homework! Kyle asked if I would like to turn it into a date night, eat Chinese food and watch the movie with him. We had so much fun! I put Jillian to bed before he came home and had everything all set out. We watched Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark. I had never seen an Indiana Jones movie so I was very excited. We had a wonderful time! To top it all off my fortune cookie read :

We couldn't forget about the homework part!

1 comment:

  1. This was Kyle's homework right... so why are you the one doing the writing? Haha just kidding. How unbelievably cute is it that Kyle is the one who asked to turn it into a date night! Lance and I do stuff like that, but it's always me making him do it:) Way to go Kyle:)
