Monday, January 12, 2009

Dinner with the Roberts

We were so very lucky to have family and friends come into town this holiday season! Brian came and finally brought his girlfriend, Laura. Mr. and Mrs. Smith came down from Utah, hurray! We all got together at Kyle's Mom's home to celebrate a late Christmanakkah and watch the Charger game!

Brian enjoying his new cameraJillian insisted on playing hide and seek all night!

Diane taught Tessa and I how to make the potato lakas...

Potato Lakas!

Brian and Laura made a delicious Chicken Cacciatore, did I spell that right? Or as we used to write back in my days as a waitress "CK CACC"

We had a great time and the food was soooo good! Too bad we all can't get together more often :(
However, we are very excited about Collin and Tessa moving down! Now we just need to talk Brian and Laura into it!


  1. Merrily you are so creative! I love your blog and Dianne's food looks amazing. You have to teach me how to make my blog look as good as yours, ASAP! We love you guys,
    The Kelsays

  2. That movie of Jillian is so cute. That's awesome that your sister knows how to make movies like that!
